Kuka minä olen
Vähän minusta ja miten tähän on tultu

My mission is to create the world a bit better place for us people by promoting holistic healing, expanding our consciousness about self and our mind, and giving tools and ideas for personal and communal holistic well-being, consciousness skills, joy and balance in life. I want to encourage everybody to find their inner light and purpose in this world.
Life has thrown me circumstances I needed to deal with and grow with and I have done my best so far. I think I have gained wisdom by not giving in to the circumstances but have changed my life story to my advantage as much as I can. My dad died when I was 1 year old, and that has left me with a strong fear of abandonment in relationships. I acted upon that fear in all my early relationships for a really long time, it showing as not being able to love or receive love, and searching for approval, even a short moment, from everywhere. It also led to very unhealthy attachment and non-attachment patterns. I also have been a single mom all my motherhood against my original will and experienced alcoholism and narcissism and sickness with close ones. There is a fighter within me but I also have learned forgiveness and peace with people and life, and resilience is one of my favorite topics nowadays. I believe the same kind of circumstances or events in life are thrown onto our way until we learn from them.I worked 16 years in a large multinational telecom company. I established and ran various organisations globally and coached many people on the way (which I loved in that job). I have my degrees in Law (Finland) and International Business (US) , which both I successfully utilized in my "previous life".
I got tired and did not feel motivated any more after that 16 years, and I wanted to switch my focus from business to a person, from achieving to peace, joy and balance, and wanted to study more about wellbeing and health, as somehow I also had forgotten something on my way. I then received my degree from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in N.Y. I have also expanded my wisdom in the area of ancient healing methods of the Andean people and I am a carrier of the traditional Andean energy medicine wisdom and mesa. Our mind cannot always handle or even recognize the issues burdening or hindering us or non-working behaviour patterns we carry. I am able to help you in releasing the heavy energies you might carry and help you explore your unconscious if you are curious enough. For at least 2 years I studied this "energy medicine" of the paqos, who have kept this wisdom for thousands of years and just recently started sharing a bit of that with western people as well. I visited Peru twice witnessing the origins of this all and got to know the original people working with these methods. I think it was also serving as a basis for my need to create a good relationship with the nature and respect for it.
Recently I also finished my 1,5-year studies on nature and environmental issues. Nature has been becoming more and more important for me personally during the years. I also got certified as a Metsämieli "Forest Mind" coach and instructor and have learned the various well-being effects of the nature, real and virtual. I am passionate about the healing effects of the nature and provide many services within that context, too. Today I am a trainer of this method, and an International Lead of Forest Mind also.
Voluntary work is a very important way for me to be contributing to world's well-being and to give my share of good in this world. I am an active volunteer in KAPUA (www.kapua.fi) and also work for Finnish Mental Health Association as a trained volunteer in Sekasin-Chat, which helps youngsters in different challenging life situations. I am currently also a volunteer in the Amigo mentoring program in Helsinki Diakonissalaitos and also a mentor in Lawyers Association's mentoring program for other lawyers.
If you are not happy with your life, it is worth taking time to sit and reflect on different issues that relate to your own personal path in life, as well as growth possibilities, wishes, and habits and beliefs which may hinder that. For me this happened only after I quit my job in a corporate world and had time to do really deep self-reflection on various issues, not so easy road. But I simply love my life today and I am in a totally right place.
Maybe I can help you to do the same and in a bit easier way. If this resonates with you, let us meet! Schedule an initial discussion with me and let's see what we can to together. Contact me at erja@mixingnuts.fi or call me + 358 46 6004610. Leave a message if I am not able to take your call right away.
Learn more about my training
Also if you are interested, my short life story until the publishing of the book is described in this "Elämänmuutos - 11 tarinaa ihmisistä käännekohdissa, found e.g. here: E-book